Koellermeier Barn- Wilsonville

The Koellermeier barn may have been built as early as 1879. William Koellermeier obtained the property from his father, August, who may have built the barn. The barn was actually first located across Advance Rd on August’s farm, which was awarded Century Farm status in 1980 . William hauled cordwood to the paper mill in West Linn. 

At one point in the 1980s, this property was threatened with being turned into a landfill.

Today, the property where this extensively-renovated barn sits is now known as Frog Pond Farm, a Christmas-tree farm.

Koellermeier barn in 1989, from Clackamas Historic Resources Inventory
The goat yard.
The goat yard.
Friendly residents.
Friendly residents.


Frog Pond Farm

Koellermeier farm record on Oregon Historic Sites Database